An Open Letter to Apple on the Placement of the Power Button

Apple, remember that time when you lead the technology market?


You would take something basic that we all took for granted and make it so extraordinary that we would all clamor for this thing, paying whatever price, weeping with barely concealed gratitude if we got that thing before everyone else.

Lots of people like to lay it at the feet of Steve Jobs. He was the monumental Brain that gathered the herd of cats who were used to doing things one way and showing them another way.


The Tech Messiah, if you will.


Not to put too fine a point on it, of course.

I mean, you actually felt bad holding old technology. Well, most people did anyway which is how you got your market share.


And for years, before anyone thought of doing a thing, you did it first. And it was marvelous.


Steve Jobs created things technology had no idea how to duplicate. Other companies actually gave people the job of searching patent archives hoping to scoop the technology.


And even when they could duplicate something, they would still have the bitter taste of knowing Apple and Jobs had come up with it before them lingering in their mouth.


Then Jobs died and we all wondered what we could expect from technology now. Who would stand out as the god among men now that he was gone? Who would earn the ire of everyone who didn’t buy into the hype? Who would win the hearts of the next generation?


To that end, I still love my iPhone and while I’m not adamant, there was a time when I wouldn’t think of giving it up. But the innovation seems to be gone. Now, you’re just making a slightly better version of an idea that other companies came up with. Now you’re following a leader instead of being that leader.


That is to say, please put the fucking power button back on the top of the phone so I stop taking so many goddamn pictures of my fingers.



This Girl

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